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Adult Beginner FAQ:

Am I too old to learn?

No! It's never too late to start learning. The beauty of piano is that the posture required to play is not as restrictive or harsh on the body as many other instruments, nor does it take very long to 'get' the basics. I have found that adult students generally pick up the basics of piano playing very quickly compared to younger learners.

Will I be the only adult student?

No. I teach a number of adults - some are more experienced players, others started piano when they were young but stopped for various reasons and decided to re-take up the instrument. Others are complete beginners and have never touched a piano before in their lives.

My son/daughter learns piano with you. Can I learn too?

Of course you can! I highly encourage mums and dads to learn piano as it offers the ultimate support at home for your student and allows you to engage with their practice requirements. Playing music together is an amazing way to bond with your family.

I have never learned music  before. How long will it take me to 'get good' at it?

It always depends on how much time you spend practicing - and not just how much time, but on what and how you practice. Always remember that ANY practice is always better than NONE. Regular practice is more important than long practice.
Two lessons per week yields the quickest results to improving skills for the average student, but one lesson per week is certainly sufficient to take you far in a short space of time with recommended or extra regular practice. 
My students are usually sight reading basic but lovely sounding piano music within about six to eight weeks if they follow lesson instructions and are diligent with their practice!

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