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Considering which instrument to learn yourself? Or which instrument to start your child on to begin their

musical education?

Perhaps you know how to play or read music already on another instrument and are looking for something new.

Whatever the reason, here are some points for why learning piano is a fantastic choice:

1. The pitch range of a piano is huge. Ask any recording professional and they will tell you that the microphones used to pick up the sounds of a piano must be able to deal with a wide range of pitch. What this means is that the piano is capable of producing very "high" sounds as well as very "low" sounds. This is great for music, because it means when music is played on a piano it can sound as grand as an entire orchestra! You never need a backing track or accompanist to solo on a piano.

2. Learning piano improves confidence and enables even shy or reserved people to express themselves through music.

3. From an educational standpoint, learning to read music written for piano utilises the treble and bass clef - this opens up

enormous opportunities to begin other instruments later on that read music from these clefs. Unlike most instruments, when you learn piano, you learn to sight read two different clefs of music at once, instead of one. Pianists often make some of the quickest sight readers for this reason. This makes piano one of the best instruments to start learning on - especially if you or your potential student are undecided.



4. Learning to play the piano improves co-ordination and concentration skills.

5. Even though piano sounds spectacular on its own, it's widely sought after as an accompanist instrument by singers and other instrumentalists.

6. Beginner level piano tunes can sound beautiful. Unlike many instruments, the piano's tone is a joy to listen to. Even when mistakes are made, there are no harsh squeaks or squawks! Even at loud volumes, the tones have a less harsh quality to listen to than some instruments. Electric pianos have the option of being used with headphones for happy neighbours.

7. The piano lends itself to almost any style of music. From classical, folk, pop songs, jazz - to the keyboardists who rock out, any style of music can sound great on piano. No limits!

8. Learning to read and play music on piano improves listening skills, maths skills (fractions and counting is required in musical timing!), and skills with the alphabet for younger children. It's been well noted that kids who learn a musical instrument perform better at school - learning an instrument boosts brain power. Its benefits have also been noted for students with learning difficulties or certain disabilities.


9. Playing an instrument is a great way to engage socially - the skills of musicians are welcomed and encouraged in the community, and it's a great hobby to connect with other people. As an extra-curricular activity it provides opportunity to develop social skills. It is a positive outlet for teenagers in particular.


10. Most of all, playing piano is a lot of FUN!

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